Updated 04-Jul-2024 = Copyright (c) 2024 Corvairs of New Mexico       


***  The information below described our newsletter procedures as they were  ***
***  before August 2023. Much of this information is out-of-date. It may be  ***
***  of historical interest.     The current and several past issues of the  ***
***  newsletter may be downloaded from CORSA's "CORVAIRS OF NEW MEXICO" web  ***
***  page.  Text versions of the newsletters from December 2023 and earlier  ***
***  are still available on Jim's web page.  It likely will not be possible  ***
***  for me to provide text versions of the newsletter after December 2023.  ***


  • Our current newsletter (PDF format)
  • Back issues, 2000-2023 (TEXT format)
  • Get newsletters by mail
  • Downloading from the Internet
  • The failed newsletter CD Project ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ NEWSLETTERS BY MAIL -- AS OF AUGUST 2023 We sent printed copies of the newsletter to: _ Paid-up CNM members who wanted the printed copy __ Certain CORSA chapters on a "newsletter exchange" basis ___ Certain CORSA affiliates on a "courtesy" basis ____ Prospective new members as requested by a CNM officer In December 1974 Mark Morgan produced our first newsletter. It was a "Christmas Holiday" issue dated January 1975 and a copy was mailed to every member. The club has published a monthly newsletter ever since. A few months were skipped in the 1975-1978 time frame. Jim's first newsletter as editor was #29 as the January-February 1978 issue. Our constitution says that "A monthly newsletter shall be published as approved by the Board of Directors." We always interpreted this to mean that a printed newsletter would be mailed out via the US Postal Service. Expense to the club include printing costs, stamps and envelopes. The work of taking the finished newsletter to the printer, folding the newsletters, stuffing envelopes, stamping and mailing has been done by volunteers. The club has provided funds for related expenses. Someday we may no longer have the resources to mail out a paper newsletter. Long ago it became a tradition for many CORSA chapters to exchange newsletters. We developed a list of about twenty "exchange" chapters. We sent them a copy of our newsletter every month and they sent us a copy of their newsletter. We took these newsletters to the CNM meetings each month where many members enjoyed looking through them. A newsletter exchange with other clubs was a great idea. Now we only get one or two mailed copies of newsletters each month. We sent out a survey to ask who would prefer the on-line newsletter to having a paper copy mailed to them. Several members wanted to keep the paper copy. Some asked us not to mail the paper newsletter; they would download the PDF. If your dues are paid, if we have your correct mailing address, and if you have not asked us to quit mailing the newsletter to you, then you should be getting the printed newsletter in the mail a few days before the meeting. This policy could be changed by the Board at any time. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DOWNLOAD NEWSLETTERS FROM THE INTERNET By 2005 my web site was set up. PDFs of the current issue were available. The web site also included back issues in TEXT format from 1998 to the present. During the 2000s many clubs quit printing paper newsletters and started distributing them electronically via e-mail. Other clubs printed their newsletters in color and continued to mail them via the US Postal Service. At our May 2005 meeting we discussed how to save money by NOT mailing the printed newsletter to those who could get it by download from my web site. I did not like the idea, for several reasons: 1. Our Constitution requires that we provide a monthly newsletter. So far, we have interpreted this to mean, a mailed paper newsletter. 2. Some of our members may not have suitable internet access. * Some may not want to read an e-mailed newsletter on a computer screen. * Some may not want to use up their own printer paper and ink. 3. My web site does not belong to the Club but to the University of New Mexico. My account is that of a retired employee. It could disappear at any time. The newsletter deadline gives me time to edit the newsletter, print it and mail it to members a few days before the next meeting. The last step of editing is saving the newsletter as a PDF to take to a print shop. When the PDF is done, I install it on my web page, then I e-mail our Club members and some CORSA officers and individuals from other chapters to tell them that the new PDF is available on my web page. (If you are not on this e-mail mailing list and you want to be, let me know.) Usually the color PDF of the new issue of the newsletter becomes available about a week before the next meeting -- some months it may be earlier. My web page with its collection of back issues and its full-color PDF version of the current newsletter is MY GIFT to our members, over and above regular club membership benefits. It would not happen without my ability to continually work on the newsletter and continually modify the web page, and without the contributions of several of our members. This web page has ABSOLUTELY NO GUARANTEE and could end at any moment. Here are some of the traditional features of my web page: * A selection of news items * A current calendar and schedule * A text copy of this month's newsletter * A full-color PDF version of this month's newsletter * A collection of years of back issues of the newsletter * A history of items such as Awards and Tri-State events * A small collection of digital photos * Links to CORSA's web site and to the New Mexico Car Council web site Comments? Bring them to a meeting - or e-mail me: ( jimp @ unm.edu ) Feedback that someone actually uses the web page is always helpful. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ THE CNM NEWSLETTER CD PROJECT -- VERSION 1 -- 2006 AND EARLIER Mark Morgan started our club's Newsletter in January 1975. By May 2009 we had produced 404 issues. The Newsletter serves as a record of the club's activities. Back issues contain member lists, articles, stories, photographs, tech tips. Several years ago I started a web page primarily devoted to the Newsletter. It contains back issues of the Newsletter in text format, and in recent years has made available full-color PDF files of the current Newsletter. In 2006 I presented to the Board of Directors an idea for a "CNM Newsletter CD" project. I thought that a computer-readable CD collection of much of the best material from back issues of our Newsletter would be a great resource for our members. The Board approved this project and I put it together. The "Version 1.1" edition of the CNM Newsletter CD was finished and copies were made available to our members at the January 2007 meeting. The initial price was set at $10.00 and I recorded the names of those who obtained a copy so I could provide free updates if and when they become available. I asked for help to continue the project. I thought that an improved version of the CD could be provided to new members and could be sold to members of other CORSA chapters, the way we have successfully sold the CARE & FEEDING book. I thought some things were desirable to continue the project: 1) A "search function" that could be recorded on the CD to search for words or phrases in both the text files and the PDF files, for Windows and Macintosh. 2) A way to print a label to go on the CD, or, a way to produce CDs with a suitable label printed directly on the CD disk surface. 3) A better collection of photos from our members. 4) If there were sufficient demand for these CDs I would need help recording new CDs, as well as packaging and mailing them out. 5) Suggestions for improvement to the contents or organization of the CD. Feedback: * One member suggested an inexpensive way to get CD copies produced that could have a graphic logo printed on the front of the CD. * Another member researched how to obtain a "search program" to include with the CD and concluded it was not feasible to do so. However, the member suggested ways to re-organize the text files to make it easier to find topics. * Another member suggested that it would be useful to have a CD that included only the many tech tips that have been in our Newsletter. My reply was that CORSA has already published an excellent collection of tech tips. (Maybe on our CD we could at least group and index all our club's tech tips.) * Another member said that, Yes, it is great to have back issues available and maybe more could be included by recording on a DVD rather than a CD. I tried this and it "worked" but it greatly increased the time needed to make a disc. To date that is all the feedback I have received. Is there so little feedback because I have not pushed this project enough, or is it because no one who obtained the CD considers it valuable enough to bother to get an update? These individuals received Version 1.1 of the CNM Newsletter CD: NAME PAID DATE TOTAL_V.1 TOTAL-ALL == ======================= = ====== =========== ========= ========= 01 Art Gold = $10.00 2007 $ 10.00 $ 10.00 02 Pat Hall = $10.00 2007 $ 20.00 $ 20.00 03 Cary Hubbard = .... 2007 $ 20.00 $ 20.00 04 David Huntoon = $10.00 2007 $ 30.00 $ 30.00 05 Geoff Johnson = .... 2007 $ 30.00 $ 30.00 06 Robert McBreen = $10.00 2007 $ 40.00 $ 40.00 07 Joel Nash = $10.00 2007 $ 50.00 $ 50.00 08 Roger Pape = $10.00 2007 $ 60.00 $ 60.00 09 Bill Reider = $10.00 2007 $ 70.00 $ 70.00 10 Ollie Scheflow = $10.00 2007 $ 80.00 $ 80.00 11 Tarmo Sutt = $10.00 2007 $ 90.00 $ 90.00 12 Ray Trujillo = $10.00 2007 $ 100.00 $ 100.00 13 Charles Vertrees = $10.00 2007 $ 110.00 $ 110.00 14 John Wiker = $10.00 2007 $ 120.00 $ 120.00 15 Hurley Wilvert = $10.00 2007 $ 130.00 $ 130.00 16 Sylvan Zuercher = $10.00 2007 $ 140.00 $ 140.00 17 Robert Gold = $10.00 2007 $ 150.00 $ 150.00 18 Wendell Walker = $10.00 2007 $ 160.00 $ 160.00 19 Kim Patten = $10.00 2007 $ 170.00 $ 170.00 20 Mark Domzalski = .... 2007 $ 170.00 $ 170.00 21 Richard Finch = .... 2007 $ 170.00 $ 170.00 22 Steve Gongora = $10.00 2007 $ 180.00 $ 180.00 23 Larry Hickerson = $10.00 2007 $ 190.00 $ 190.00 24 Jerry Goffe = $10.00 2007 $ 200.00 $ 200.00 25 LeRoy Rogers = $10.00 2007 $ 210.00 $ 210.00 26 Larry Blair = $10.00 2007 $ 220.00 $ 220.00 END PRODUCTION OF CD "VERSION 1" (Four people did not pay for the CD) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ THE CNM NEWSLETTER CD PROJECT -- VERSION 2 -- 2010 AND EARLIER Version 2 of the Newsletter CD was completed in January 2011. It had more newsletter back issues, an improved format, and a printed color logo/title. These individuals received Version 2.1 of the CNM Newsletter CD: NAME PAID DATE TOTAL_V.2 TOTAL-ALL == ======================= = ====== =========== ========= ========= 01 Pat & Vickie Hall = $15.00 05-Jan-2011 $ 15.00 $ 235.00 02 Tarmo Sutt = $15.00 05-Jan-2011 $ 30.00 $ 250.00 03 Charles Vertrees = $15.00 05-Jan-2011 $ 45.00 $ 265.00 04 Mike & Brenda Stickler = $15.00 05-Jan-2011 $ 60.00 $ 280.00 05 Hurley Wilvert = $15.00 05-Jan-2011 $ 75.00 $ 295.00 06 Joel Nash = .... 05-Jan-2011 $ 75.00 $ 295.00 07 David Huntoon = $15.00 19-Jan-2011 $ 90.00 $ 310.00 08 Steve Goodman (RMC) = .... 24-Jan-2011 $ 90.00 $ 310.00 09 Bob Philips = $15.00 09-Feb-2011 $ 105.00 $ 325.00 10 Sherry Gray / Ruth = .... 25-Feb-2011 $ 105.00 $ 325.00 11 Raymond Dwenger = $20.00 14-Mar-2011 $ 125.00 $ 345.00 12 Lube Lubert = $15.00 06-Apr-2011 $ 140.00 $ 360.00 13 Wesley Heiss = $15.00 06-Apr-2011 $ 155.00 $ 375.00 14 Ev Hansen = $20.00 13-Jan-2012 $ 175.00 $ 395.00 END PRODUCTION OF CD "VERSION 2" (Three people did not pay for the CD) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ THE CNM NEWSLETTER CD PROJECT -- VERSION 3 -- 2012 AND EARLIER Version 3 of the Newsletter CD was completed in 2012. Only two Version 3 CDs were produced. These individuals received Version 3 of the CNM Newsletter CD: NAME PAID DATE TOTAL_V.3 TOTAL-ALL == ======================= = ====== =========== ========= ========= 01 E. Hansen [update] = $ 0.00 24-Jan-2012 $ 0.00 $ 395.00 02 S. Gongora [door prize] = $ 0.00 17-Mar-2012 $ 0.00 $ 395.00 END PRODUCTION OF CD "VERSION 3" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ THE CNM NEWSLETTER CD PROJECT -- VERSION 4 -- 2013 AND EARLIER Version 4 of the Newsletter CD was put together in early 2013. These individuals received Version 4 of the CNM Newsletter CD: NAME PAID DATE TOTAL_V.3 TOTAL-ALL == ======================= = ====== =========== ========= ========= 01 R. McDuffie = $15.00 06-Mar-2012 = $15.00 $ 410.00 END PRODUCTION OF CD "VERSION 4" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ THE CNM NEWSLETTER DVD PROJECT -- VERSION 4 -- 2013 AND EARLIER One "test" Version 4 Newsletter DVD disc was produced. END PRODUCTION OF DVD "VERSION 4" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ THE CNM NEWSLETTER CD PROJECT -- VERSION 5 -- TERMINATED Version 5 of the Newsletter CD was planned but never implemented. END PRODUCTION OF CD "VERSION 5" =========================================== DUE TO LACK OF INTEREST, ALL CNM NEWSLETTER CD AND DVD PROJECTS HAVE BEEN TERMINATED. =========================================== =END=